Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- a
: icParametricCurveFull
- AddProfileDescription()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- AddXform()
: CIccMruCmm, CIccNamedColorCmm, CIccCmm
- Align32()
: CIccIO
- Alloc()
: CIccMemIO
- AllocData()
: CIccMpeAcs
- angle
: icScreeningData
- Apply()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccMatrix, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccCurve, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs, CIccMruCmm, CIccNamedColorCmm, CIccCmm, CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXformMatrixTRC, CIccXform
- AreTagsUnique()
: CIccProfile
- Attach()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccProfile, CIccMemIO, CIccMruCmm
- AttachTag()
: CIccProfile
- attributes
: icHeader, icDescStruct
- b
: icParametricCurveFull
- backing
: icMeasurement
- base
: icMultiLocalizedUnicodeType, icChromaticAdaptationType, icColorantTableType, icColorantOrderType, icCrdInfoType, icXYZType, icViewingConditionType, icUInt8ArrayType, icUInt64ArrayType, icUInt32ArrayType, icUInt16ArrayType, icUcrBgType, icU16Fixed16ArrayType, icTextType, icSignatureType, icScreeningType, icS15Fixed16ArrayType, icTextDescriptionType, icProfileSequenceDescType, icNamedColor2Type, icMeasurementType, icLutBtoAType, icLutAtoBType, icLut8Type, icLut16Type, icDateTimeType, icDataType, icParametricCurveFullType, icParametricCurveType, icCurveType
- Begin()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccDblPixelBuffer, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccCLUT, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccCurve, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs, CIccMruCmm, CIccNamedColorCmm, CIccCmm, CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXformMatrixTRC, CIccXform
- begin()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- buffer
- c
: icParametricCurveFull
- Capacity()
: CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- channels
: icScreening
- Check()
- CheckData()
: CIccInfo
- CheckDstAbs()
: CIccXform
- CheckFileSize()
: CIccProfile
- CheckHeader()
: CIccProfile
- CheckLast()
- CheckRequiredTags()
: CIccProfile
- CheckSrcAbs()
: CIccXform
- CheckTagExclusion()
: CIccProfile
- CheckTagTypes()
: CIccProfile
- CIccCLUT()
- CIccCmm()
: CIccCmm
- CIccCurve()
: CIccCurve
- CIccDblPixelBuffer()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- CIccFileIO()
: CIccFileIO
- CIccFormulaCurveSegment()
: CIccFormulaCurveSegment
- CIccLocalizedUnicode()
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- CIccMatrix()
: CIccMatrix
- CIccMBB()
- CIccMemIO()
: CIccMemIO
- CIccMpeAcs()
: CIccMpeAcs
- CIccMpeBAcs()
: CIccMpeBAcs
- CIccMpeCLUT()
- CIccMpeCurveSet()
: CIccMpeCurveSet
- CIccMpeEAcs()
: CIccMpeEAcs
- CIccMpeMatrix()
: CIccMpeMatrix
- CIccMpeUnknown()
: CIccMpeUnknown
- CIccMruPixel()
: CIccMruPixel
- CIccMultiProcessElement()
: CIccMultiProcessElement
- CIccNamedColorCmm()
: CIccNamedColorCmm
- CIccPCS()
- CIccProfile()
: CIccProfile
- CIccProfileDescStruct()
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- CIccProfileDescText()
: CIccProfileDescText
- CIccProfileIdDesc()
: CIccProfileIdDesc
- CIccResponseCurveStruct()
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- CIccSampledCurveSegment()
: CIccSampledCurveSegment
- CIccSegmentedCurve()
: CIccSegmentedCurve
- CIccTag()
: CIccTag
- CIccTagChromaticity()
: CIccTagChromaticity
- CIccTagColorantOrder()
: CIccTagColorantOrder
- CIccTagColorantTable()
: CIccTagColorantTable
- CIccTagCurve()
: CIccTagCurve
- CIccTagData()
: CIccTagData
- CIccTagDateTime()
: CIccTagDateTime
- CIccTagFixedNum()
: CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >
- CIccTagLut16()
: CIccTagLut16
- CIccTagLut8()
: CIccTagLut8
- CIccTagLutAtoB()
: CIccTagLutAtoB
- CIccTagLutBtoA()
: CIccTagLutBtoA
- CIccTagMeasurement()
: CIccTagMeasurement
- CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode()
: CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode
- CIccTagMultiProcessElement()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- CIccTagNamedColor2()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- CIccTagNum()
: CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >
- CIccTagParametricCurve()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- CIccTagProfileSeqDesc()
: CIccTagProfileSeqDesc
- CIccTagProfileSequenceId()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct
- CIccTagSignature()
: CIccTagSignature
- CIccTagText()
: CIccTagText
- CIccTagTextDescription()
: CIccTagTextDescription
- CIccTagUnknown()
: CIccTagUnknown
- CIccTagViewingConditions()
: CIccTagViewingConditions
- CIccTagXYZ()
: CIccTagXYZ
- CIccXform()
: CIccXform
- CIccXform3DLut
: CIccXform3DLut, CIccMBB
- CIccXform4DLut
: CIccXform4DLut, CIccMBB
- CIccXformMatrixTRC()
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- CIccXformMpe()
: CIccXformMpe
- CIccXformNamedColor()
: CIccXformNamedColor
- CIccXformNDLut
: CIccXformNDLut, CIccMBB
- Clean()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccDblPixelBuffer
- Cleanup()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccMBB, CIccProfile
- Close()
: CIccMemIO, CIccFileIO, CIccIO
- clutPoints
: icLut8, icLut16
- cmmId
: icHeader
- colorSpace
: icHeader
- count
: MD5_CTX, icTagList, icMultiLocalizedUnicodeType, icColorantTable, icColorantOrder, icCrdInfo, icUcrBgCurve, icTextDescription, icProfileSequenceDesc, icNamedColor2, icCurve
- countryCode
: icMultiLocalizedUnicodeEntry
- Create()
: CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTag, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccCurveSegment, CIccXformMpe, CIccXform
- CreateElement()
: CIccMpeCreator, CIccBasicMpeFactory, IIccMpeFactory
- CreateTag()
: CIccTagCreator, CIccSpecTagFactory, IIccTagFactory
- creator
: icHeader
- curve
: icParametricCurveFullType, icParametricCurveType, icCurveType, icUcrBgCurve
- d
: icParametricCurveFull
- data
: icXYZType, icUInt8ArrayType, icUInt64ArrayType, icUInt32ArrayType, icUInt16ArrayType, icUcrBgType, icU16Fixed16ArrayType, icTextType, icS15Fixed16ArrayType, icDataType, icColorantTableEntry, icColorantOrder, icUcrBg, icText, icScreening, icTextDescription, icProfileSequenceDesc, icDescStruct, icNamedColor2, icLut8, icLut16, icData, icCurve, icXYZArray, icS15Fixed16Array, icU16Fixed16Array, icInt64Array, icUInt64Array, icInt32Array, icUInt32Array, icInt16Array, icUInt16Array, icUInt8Array, icInt8Array
- dataFlag
: icData
- date
: icHeader, icDateTimeType
- day
: icDateTimeNumber
- DeleteElement()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- DeleteTag()
: CIccProfile
- desc
: icTextDescriptionType, icProfileSequenceDescType, icCrdInfo
- Describe()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccMBB, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccProfileDescText, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs
- Detach()
: CIccProfile
- DetachTag()
: CIccProfile
- deviceClass
: icHeader
- deviceCode
: icResponse16Number
- deviceCoords
: icNamedColor2Entry, SIccNamedColorEntry
- deviceMfg
: icDescStruct
- deviceModel
: icDescStruct
- DumpLut()
: CIccCLUT, CIccMatrix, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccCurve
- e
: icParametricCurveFull
- e00
: icLut8, icLut16
- e01
: icLut8, icLut16
- e02
: icLut8, icLut16
- e10
: icLut8, icLut16
- e11
: icLut8, icLut16
- e12
: icLut8, icLut16
- e20
: icLut8, icLut16
- e21
: icLut8, icLut16
- e22
: icLut8, icLut16
- ElementIndex()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- end()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- EndPoint()
: CIccCurveSegment
- entry
: icColorantTable
- ExtractInputCurves()
: CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXformMatrixTRC, CIccXform
- ExtractOutputCurves()
: CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXformMatrixTRC, CIccXform
- gamma
: icParametricCurveFull, icParametricCurve
- geometry
: icMeasurement
- GetAcsSig()
: CIccMpeAcs
- GetAnsi()
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- GetAnsiSize()
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- GetAvailChannels()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- GetBAcsSig()
: CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeBAcs
- GetBuf()
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- GetBuffer()
: CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- GetClassName()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeEAcs, CIccMpeBAcs
- GetCLUT()
- GetColorantEncoding()
: CIccInfo
- GetColorimetricIntentImageStateName()
: CIccInfo
- GetColorName()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetColorSpaceSigName()
: CIccInfo
- GetColumn()
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- GetConstants()
: CIccMpeMatrix
- GetCurve()
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- GetCurvesA()
- GetCurvesB()
- GetCurvesM()
- GetData()
: CIccMpeUnknown, CIccCLUT, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagData, CIccMpeAcs, CIccMemIO
- GetDataSize()
: CIccMpeAcs
- GetDestSamples()
: CIccCmm
- GetDestSpace()
: CIccCmm
- GetDeviceAttrName()
: CIccInfo
- GetDeviceCoords()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetDeviceSpace()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetDimSize()
- GetDstBuf()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- GetDstSpace()
: CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXform
- GetEAcsSig()
: CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeEAcs
- GetElement()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- GetElementSigName()
: CIccMpeCreator, CIccBasicMpeFactory, IIccMpeFactory
- GetEntry()
: CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetExtClassName()
: IIccExtensionMpe, IIccExtensionTag
- GetExtension()
: CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTag
- GetFirst()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- GetFirstCurves()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- GetFirstElem()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- GetFirstXformSource()
: CIccMruCmm, CIccCmm
- GetFloatColorEncoding()
: CIccCmm
- GetFunctionType()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- GetIlluminantName()
: CIccInfo
- GetInputDim()
- GetInterface()
: CIccNamedColorCmm, CIccXformNamedColor
- GetInvCurve()
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- GetLast()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- GetLastElem()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- GetLastIntent()
: CIccCmm
- GetLastXformDest()
: CIccMruCmm, CIccCmm
- GetLength()
: CIccLocalizedUnicode, CIccMemIO, CIccFileIO, CIccIO
- GetMatrix()
: CIccMBB, CIccMpeMatrix
- GetMaxChannels()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- GetMeasurementFlareName()
: CIccInfo
- GetMeasurementGeometryName()
: CIccInfo
- GetMeasurementType()
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- GetMeasurementUnit()
: CIccInfo
- GetNextCurves()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- GetNextElemIterator()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- GetNumChannels()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct
- GetNumParam()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- GetNumResponseCurveTypes()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- GetNumXforms()
: CIccMruCmm, CIccCmm
- GetOutputChannels()
- GetParams()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- GetPCS()
: CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccMruCmm, CIccCmm
- GetPlatformSigName()
: CIccInfo
- GetPrecision()
- GetPrefix()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetProfileClassSigName()
: CIccInfo
- GetProfileFlagsName()
: CIccInfo
- GetProfileID()
: CIccInfo
- GetReferenceMediumGamutSigNameName()
: CIccInfo
- GetRenderingIntentName()
: CIccInfo
- GetResponseCurves()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- GetResponseList()
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- GetSamples()
: CIccSampledCurveSegment
- GetSigName()
: CIccInfo
- GetSize()
: CIccTagCurve, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagData, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccSampledCurveSegment
- GetSourceSamples()
: CIccCmm
- GetSourceSpace()
: CIccCmm
- GetSpaceSamples()
: CIccProfile
- GetSpotShapeName()
: CIccInfo
- GetSrcBuf()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- GetSrcSpace()
: CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXform
- GetStandardObserverName()
: CIccInfo
- GetSufix()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetTag()
: CIccProfileDescText, CIccProfile
- GetTagSigName()
: CIccInfo, CIccTagCreator, CIccSpecTagFactory, IIccTagFactory
- GetTagTypeSigName()
: CIccInfo, CIccTagCreator, CIccSpecTagFactory, IIccTagFactory
- GetTechnologySigName()
: CIccInfo
- GetText()
: CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- GetThis()
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- GetType()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutBtoA, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccProfileDescText, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeEAcs, CIccMpeBAcs
- GetUnicodeBuffer()
: CIccTagTextDescription
- GetUnknownName()
: CIccInfo
- GetValue()
: CIccTagSignature
- GetVendorFlags()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- GetVersionName()
: CIccInfo
- GetXformType()
: CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXformMatrixTRC, CIccXform
- Getxy()
: CIccTagChromaticity
- GetXYZ()
: CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagXYZ
- GridPoint()
- GridPoints()
- gridPoints
: icCLutStruct
- ID16
: icProfileID
- ID32
: icProfileID
- ID8
: icProfileID
- illuminant
: icHeader, icViewingCondition, icMeasurement
- info
: icCrdInfoType
- Init()
: CIccMBB, CIccCLUT, CIccMruCmm
- inited
: CIccResponseCurveSetIter
- InitHeader()
: CIccProfile
- inputChan
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB, icLut8, icLut16
- InputChannels()
- inputEnt
: icLut16
- Insert()
: CIccSegmentedCurve
- Interp3d()
- Interp3dTetra()
- Interp4d()
- Interp5d()
- Interp6d()
- InterpND()
- IsAcs()
: CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeAcs
- IsArrayType()
: CIccTagData, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTag
- IsDestPCS()
: CIccXformNamedColor
- IsIdentity()
: CIccMatrix, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccCurve
- IsInGamut()
: CIccCmm
- IsInput()
: CIccXform
- IsInputB()
- IsInputMatrix()
- IsMBBType()
: CIccMBB, CIccTag
- IsProfileIDCalculated()
: CIccInfo
- IsSrcPCS()
: CIccXformNamedColor
- IsSupported()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTag
- IsSuppoted()
: CIccTagUnknown
- IsTypeAscii()
: CIccTagData
- IsTypeValid()
: CIccProfile
- IsValidSpace()
: CIccInfo
- IsVersion2()
: CIccXform
- item
: CIccResponseCurveSetIter
- Iterate()
- m_AbsLab
: CIccXform
- m_applyBuf
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- m_ApplyCurvePtr
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- m_ApplyCurvePtrA
: CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut
- m_ApplyCurvePtrB
: CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut
- m_ApplyCurvePtrM
: CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut
- m_ApplyMatrixPtr
: CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut
- m_attributes
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_bFreeCurve
: CIccXformMatrixTRC
- m_bFreeData
: CIccMemIO
- m_bInput
: CIccXform
- m_bInputMatrix
- m_bIsV2Lab
- m_bLastInput
: CIccCmm
- m_bNeedsPading
: CIccProfileDescText
- m_bUseConstants
: CIccMatrix
- m_bUsingAcs
: CIccXformMpe
- m_bValid
: CIccCmm
- m_cache
: CIccMruCmm
- m_CLUT
- m_Convert
- m_csDevice
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_csInput
- m_csOutput
- m_csPCS
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_curve
: CIccMpeCurveSet
- m_Curve
: CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccXformMatrixTRC
- m_CurvesA
- m_CurvesB
- m_CurvesM
- m_Data
: CIccTagMeasurement
- m_DateTime
: CIccTagDateTime
- m_desc
: CIccProfileIdDesc
- m_Descriptions
: CIccTagProfileSeqDesc
- m_deviceMfg
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_deviceMfgDesc
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_deviceModel
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_deviceModelDesc
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_df
- m_DimSize
- m_dParam
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- m_e
: CIccMatrix, CIccXformMatrixTRC
- m_endPoint
: CIccCurveSegment
- m_fFile
: CIccFileIO
- m_fGridAdr
- m_g
- m_GridAdr
- m_GridPoints
- m_Header
: CIccProfile
- m_ig
- m_illumType
: CIccTagViewingConditions
- m_interpType
- m_last
: CIccSampledCurveSegment
- m_list
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccSegmentedCurve
- m_Matrix
- m_maxColorantXYZ
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- m_MaxGridPoint
- m_measurementUnitSig
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- m_MediaXYZ
: CIccXform
- m_NamedColor
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_NamedLab
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_nApplyInterface
: CIccNamedColorCmm, CIccXformNamedColor
- m_nASCIISize
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_nAvail
: CIccMemIO
- m_nBufSize
: CIccTagText
- m_nCacheSize
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nChannels
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagChromaticity
- m_nColorantType
: CIccTagChromaticity
- m_nColorEntrySize
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_nCount
: CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccSampledCurveSegment
- m_nCountryCode
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- m_nDataFlag
: CIccTagData
- m_nDataSize
: CIccMpeAcs
- m_nDestSpace
: CIccCmm, CIccXformNamedColor
- m_nDeviceCoords
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_nDstSize
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nFunctionType
: CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccFormulaCurveSegment
- m_nInput
- m_nInputChannels
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement
- m_nIntent
: CIccXform
- m_nInterp
: CIccXform
- m_nLanguageCode
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- m_nLastIntent
: CIccCmm
- m_nLastNumChannels
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- m_nLastSpace
: CIccCmm
- m_nLength
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- m_nMaxChannels
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- m_nMaxIndex
: CIccTagCurve
- m_nNodes
- m_nNumInput
: CIccXformNDLut
- m_nNumParam
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- m_nNumPixel
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nNumPoints
- m_nOffset
- m_nOutput
- m_nOutputChannels
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement
- m_nParameters
: CIccFormulaCurveSegment
- m_nPos
: CIccMemIO
- m_nPower
- m_nPrecision
- m_nProcElements
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement
- m_nReserved
: CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTag, CIccCurveSegment
- m_nReserved1
: CIccSegmentedCurve
- m_nReserved2
: CIccCLUT, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccSegmentedCurve
- m_nReservedByte
: CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8
- m_nReservedWord
: CIccTagLutAtoB
- m_nScriptCode
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_nScriptSize
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_nSig
: CIccTagSignature
- m_nSize
: CIccMpeUnknown, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagData, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagUnknown, CIccMemIO
- m_nSrcSamples
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nSrcSize
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nSrcSpace
: CIccCmm, CIccXformNamedColor
- m_nTotalSamples
: CIccMruCmm
- m_nType
: CIccTagUnknown
- m_Num
: CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >
- m_nUnicodeLanguageCode
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_nUnicodeSize
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_nVendorFlags
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_Param
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- m_params
: CIccFormulaCurveSegment
- m_pAttachIO
: CIccProfile
- m_pBuf
: CIccLocalizedUnicode
- m_pCLUT
- m_pCmm
: CIccMruCmm
- m_pConstants
: CIccMpeMatrix
- m_PCS
: CIccTagColorantTable
- m_pData
: CIccMpeUnknown, CIccCLUT, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagData, CIccTagUnknown, CIccMpeAcs, CIccMemIO
- m_pFirst
: CIccMruCmm
- m_pixelBuf1
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- m_pixelBuf2
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- m_pixelData
: CIccMruCmm
- m_pMatrix
: CIccMpeMatrix
- m_position
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeCurveSet
- m_pOutText
- m_pPCS
: CIccCmm
- m_pProfile
: CIccXform
- m_profileID
: CIccProfileIdDesc
- m_pSamples
: CIccSampledCurveSegment
- m_pTag
: CIccProfileDescText, CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut
- m_pVal
- m_range
: CIccSampledCurveSegment
- m_Response16ListArray
: CIccResponseCurveStruct
- m_ResponseCurves
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- m_s
- m_sig
: CIccMpeUnknown
- m_signature
: CIccMpeAcs
- m_size
: CIccMpeMatrix
- m_Space
- m_startPoint
: CIccCurveSegment
- m_Strings
: CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode
- m_szPrefix
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_szScriptText
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_szSigStr
: CIccInfo
- m_szStr
: CIccInfo
- m_szSufix
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- m_szText
: CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- m_Tags
: CIccProfile
- m_TagVals
: CIccProfile
- m_technology
: CIccProfileDescStruct
- m_type
: CIccMpeMatrix
- m_uzUnicodeText
: CIccTagTextDescription
- m_Xforms
: CIccCmm
- m_xy
: CIccTagChromaticity
- m_XYZ
: CIccTagXYZ
- m_XYZIllum
: CIccTagViewingConditions
- m_XYZMatrix
: CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8
- m_XYZSurround
: CIccTagViewingConditions
- magic
: icHeader
- manufacturer
: icHeader
- matrix
: icChromaticAdaptationType
- measurement
: icMeasurementType
- measurementValue
: icResponse16Number
- minutes
: icDateTimeNumber
- model
: icHeader
- month
: icDateTimeNumber
- n000
- n001
- n010
- n011
- n100
- n1000
- n10000
- n100000
- n101
- n110
- n111
- name
: icColorantTableEntry
- ncolor
: icNamedColor2Type
- nDeviceCoords
: icNamedColor2
- NegClip()
: CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccPCS
- NewCLUT()
- NewCopy()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutBtoA, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccMBB, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeEAcs, CIccMpeBAcs
- NewCurvesA()
- NewCurvesB()
- NewCurvesM()
- NewMatrix()
- NewResponseCurves()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- NumInputChannels()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMultiProcessElement
- NumOutputChannels()
: CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMultiProcessElement
- NumPoints()
- off
: icMultiLocalizedUnicodeEntry
- offset
: icTag, icPositionNumber
- offsetA
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB
- offsetB
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB
- offsetC
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB
- offsetM
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB
- offsetMat
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB
- Open()
: CIccFileIO
- operator=()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccDblPixelBuffer, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutBtoA, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccMBB, CIccCLUT, CIccMatrix, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccProfileDescStruct, CIccProfileDescText, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccProfile, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccMpeEAcs, CIccMpeBAcs
- operator[]()
: CIccCLUT, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagData, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2
- order
: icColorantOrderType
- outputChan
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB, icLut8, icLut16
- OutputChannels()
- outputEnt
: icLut16
- pad
: icLut8, icLut16, icParametricCurveFull, icParametricCurve
- pad1
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB, icCLutStruct
- pad2
: icLutBtoA, icLutAtoB, icCLutStruct
- pad3
: icCLutStruct
- Param()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- ParseMem()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId
- pcs
: icHeader
- pcsCoords
: icNamedColor2Entry, SIccNamedColorEntry
- PixelOp()
: IIccCLUTExec
- platform
: icHeader
- pNext
: CIccMruPixel
- PopFactory()
: CIccTagCreator, CIccMpeCreator
- pPixelData
: CIccMruPixel
- prec
: icCLutStruct
- prefix
: icNamedColor2
- profileID
: icHeader
- pTag
: IccTagEntry
- ptr
: CIccMultiProcessElementPtr, IccTagPtr, CIccXformPtr
- PushFactory()
: CIccTagCreator, CIccMpeCreator
- Read()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccCLUT, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccProfileDescText, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccProfile, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs
- Read16()
: CIccIO
- Read16Float()
: CIccIO
- Read32()
: CIccIO
- Read64()
: CIccIO
- Read8()
: CIccMemIO, CIccFileIO, CIccIO
- Read8Float()
: CIccIO
- ReadBasic()
: CIccProfile
- ReadData()
- ReadFloat32Float()
: CIccIO
- ReadLine()
: CIccIO
- ReadValidate()
: CIccProfile
- Release()
: CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- ReleaseUnicode()
: CIccTagTextDescription
- RemoveAllIO()
: CIccMruCmm, CIccCmm
- RemoveIO()
: CIccXform
- renderingIntent
: icHeader
- reserved
: icHeader, icTagBase, icResponse16Number
- Reset()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccPCS
- ResetPCSCache()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- rootName
: icNamedColor2Entry, SIccNamedColorEntry
- screen
: icScreeningType
- screeningFlag
: icScreening
- seconds
: icDateTimeNumber
- Seek()
: CIccMemIO, CIccFileIO, CIccIO
- SetClipFunc()
- SetCLUT()
- SetColorSpaces()
: CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccMBB, CIccTagNamedColor2
- SetCurve()
: CIccMpeCurveSet
- SetDataSize()
: CIccMpeUnknown
- SetDateTime()
: CIccTagDateTime
- SetDestSpace()
: CIccXformNamedColor
- SetFunction()
: CIccFormulaCurveSegment
- SetFunctionType()
: CIccTagParametricCurve
- SetGamma()
: CIccTagCurve
- SetLastXformDest()
: CIccNamedColorCmm
- SetNumChannels()
: CIccTagResponseCurveSet16
- SetParams()
: CIccXform
- SetPCS()
: CIccTagColorantTable
- SetPrefix()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- SetSize()
: CIccTagCurve, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagData, CIccLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSampledCurveSegment
- SetSrcSpace()
: CIccXformNamedColor
- SetSufix()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- SetText()
: CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText
- SetType()
: CIccProfileDescText
- SetTypeAscii()
: CIccTagData
- SetValue()
: CIccTagSignature
- SetVendorFlags()
: CIccTagNamedColor2
- sig
: icTag, icTagBase
- signature
: icSignatureType
- size
: icHeader, icTag, icMultiLocalizedUnicodeType, icPositionNumber
- spotShape
: icScreeningData
- StartPoint()
: CIccCurveSegment
- state
- stdIluminant
: icViewingCondition
- stdObserver
: icMeasurement
- SubIterate()
- suffix
: icNamedColor2
- surround
: icViewingCondition
- Switch()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- Sync32()
: CIccIO
- UnitClip
: CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccPCS, CIccCLUT
- UpdateChannels()
: CIccDblPixelBuffer
- UseLegacyPCS()
: CIccTagLut16, CIccMBB, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccXformMpe, CIccXformNamedColor, CIccXformNDLut, CIccXform4DLut, CIccXform3DLut, CIccXform
- Valid()
: CIccCmm
- Validate()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutBtoA, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccMBB, CIccCLUT, CIccMatrix, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTag, CIccProfile, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs
- vendorFlag
: icNamedColor2
- version
: icHeader
- view
: icViewingConditionType
- Write()
: CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMultiProcessElement, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccCLUT, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccProfileDescText, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagData, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagText, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTag, CIccProfile, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccCurveSetCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccCurveSegment, CIccMpeAcs
- Write16()
: CIccIO
- Write16Float()
: CIccIO
- Write32()
: CIccIO
- Write64()
: CIccIO
- Write8()
: CIccMemIO, CIccFileIO, CIccIO
- Write8Float()
: CIccIO
- WriteData()
- WriteFloat32Float()
: CIccIO
Generated on Tue Jun 26 17:51:44 2007 for IccProfLib by