#include <IccProfile.h>
Purpose: This is the base class for an ICC profile. All the operations on a profile is done using this object.
Name: CIccProfile::CIccProfile Purpose: Constructor |
Name: CIccProfile::CIccProfile Purpose: Copy Constructor. The copy constructor makes the copy of the CIccProfile object in it's present state. It DOES NOT make a copy of the m_pAttachIO member variable. Any operation with the IO object should be done before making a copy. Args: Profile = CIccProfile object which is to be copied. |
Name: CIccProfile::CIccProfile Purpose: Destructor |
Name: CIccProfile::AreTagsUnique Purpose: For each tag it checks to see if any other tags have the same signature. Return: true if all tags have unique signatures, or false if there are duplicate tag signatures. |
Name: CIccProfile::Attach Purpose: This allows for deferred IO with a profile. The profile header and tag directory will be read, but tag data will not be read. The IO object will remain attached to the profile for the purpose of reading data in as needed. Args: pIO - pointer to IO object to begin reading profile file with. Return: true - the IO object (file) is an ICC profile, and the CIccProfile object is now attached to the object, false - the IO object (file) is not an ICC profile. |
Name: CIccProfile::AttachTag Purpose: Assign a tag object to a directory entry in the profile. This will assume ownership of the tag object. Args: sig - signature of tag 'name' to use to assign tag object with, pTag - pointer to tag object to attach to profile. Return: true = tag assigned to profile, false - tag not assigned to profile (tag already exists). |
Name: CIccProfile::CheckFileSize() Purpose: Check if the Profile file size matches with the size mentioned in the header and is evenly divisible by four. Args: Return: true - size matches, false - size mismatches |
Name: CIccProfile::CheckHeader Purpose: Validates profile header. Return: icValidateOK if valid, or other error status. |
Name: CIccProfile::CheckRequiredTags Purpose: Check if the Profile has the required tags for the specified Profile/Device class. Return: icValidateOK if valid, or other error status. |
Name: CIccProfile::CheckTagExclusion Purpose: Some tags does not have a defined interpretation for a profile of a specific class. This function does these tests. Return: true if test successful, else false. |
Name: CIccProfile::CheckTagTypes Purpose: Check if tags have allowed tag types. Return: icValidateOK if valid, or other error status. |
Name: CIccProfile::Cleanup Purpose: Detach from a pending IO object |
Name: CIccProfile::DeleteTag Purpose: Delete tag directory entry with given signature. If no other tag directory entries use the tag object, the tag object will also be deleted. Args: sig - signature of tag directory entry to remove Return: true - desired tag directory entry was found and deleted, false - desired tag directory entry was not found |
Name: CIccProfile::Detach Purpose: Discontinues the use of defferred IO with a profile. This can be done once all the information needed for performing a transform has been extracted from the profile. Args: true - If an IO object was attached to the profile false - if no IO object was attached to the profile |
Name: CIccProfile::DetachTag Purpose: Remove association of a tag object from all tag directory entries. Associated tag directory entries will be removed from the tag directory. The tag object is NOT deleted from memory, but is considered to be no longer associated with the CIccProfile object. The caller assumes ownership of the tag object. Args: pTag - pointer to tag object unassociate with the profile object Return: true - tag object found and unassociated with profile object, false - tag object not found |
Name: CIccProfile::FindTag Purpose: Finds the tag object associated with the directory entry with the given signature. If the profile object is attached to an IO object then the tag may need to be loaded first. Args: sig - tag signature to find in profile Return: The desired tag object, or NULL if unable to find in the directory or load tag object. |
Name: CIccProfile::GetSpaceSamples Purpose: Get the number of device channels from the color space of data. Return: Number of device channels. |
Name: CIccProfile::GetTag Purpose: Finds the first tag entry that points to the indicated tag object Args: pTag - pointer to tag object desired to be found Return: pointer to first tag directory entry that points to the desired tag object, or NULL if tag object is not pointed to by any tag directory entries. |
Name: CIccProfile::GetTag Purpose: Get a tag entry with a given signature Args: sig - signature id to find in tag directory Return: Pointer to desired tag directory entry, or NULL if not found. |
Name: CIccProfile::InitHeader Purpose: Initializes the data to be written in the profile header. |
Name: CIccProfile::IsTypeValid Purpose: Check if tags have allowed tag types. Return: true if valid, else false. |
Name: CIccProfile::LoadTag Purpose: This will load from the indicated IO object and associate a tag object to a tag directory entry. Nothing happens if tag directory entry is associated with a tag object. Args: pTagEntry - pointer to tag directory entry, pIO - pointer to IO object to read tag object data from Return: true - tag directory object associated with tag directory entry, false - failure |
Name: CIccProfile::operator= Purpose: Copy Operator. The copy operator makes the copy of the CIccProfile object in it's present state. It DOES NOT make a copy of the m_pAttachIO member variable. Any operation with the IO object should be done before making a copy. Args: Profile = CIccProfile object which is to be copied. |
Name: CIccProfile::Read Purpose: This will read the entire ICC profile from the IO object into the CIccProfile object Args: pIO - pointer to IO object to read ICC profile from Return: true - the IO object (file) is an ICC profile, and the CIccProfile object now contains all its data, false - the IO object (file) is not an ICC profile. |
Name: CIccProfile::ReadBasic Purpose: Read in ICC header and tag directory entries. Args: pIO - pointer to IO object to read data with Return: true - valid ICC header and tag directory, false - failure |
Name: CIccProfile::ReadValidate Purpose: This will read the entire ICC profile from the IO object into the CIccProfile object Args: pIO - pointer to IO object to read ICC profile from sReport - string to put validation report info into. String should be initialized before calling Return: icValidateOK if file can be read, bad status otherwise. |
Name: CIccProfile::Validate Purpose: Check the data integrity of the profile, and conformance to the ICC specification Args: sReport = String to put report into Return: icValidateOK if profile is valid, warning/error level otherwise |
Name: CIccProfile::Write Purpose: Write the data associated with the CIccProfile object to an IO IO object. Args: pIO - pointer to IO object to write data to Return: true - success, false - failure |